
15.4. Control of Simulations

It is very important to keep control of the simulation files (and other derived files, e.g. Lux contours, DF contours, etc.) you are creating, i.e. making sure the correct design dates/times and skies are used and the files you create are easily identifiable. There is nothing worse than to have twenty simulations with the default naming strategy i.e. test1, test2, test3, etc. Favour a naming strategy that identifies the images by using simple mnemonics e.g. v1_S12_c - view 1, September, 12 noon, CIE sky, or v4_D10_s - view 4, December, 10am, sunny sky. Using this technique one can decode any image by looking at the name. (Note the 21st of the month is implied as the date of the simulation in the above, but may also be part of the mnemonic).